Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Miss. Carr

so i started teaching on Monday! i LOVE it! the students are so much fun! i especially enjoy teaching the 10-15 year olds. they're advanced enough to be able to joke around. we have a lot of fun in those classes. HOWEVER there are two classes are have me a little discouraged. one is my composition class (all 17-18 year olds... one of which is my boss's son.... so that adds just a tiny bit of pressure) AND on top of that i'm trying to teach them grammar. SNORE! how do you make that interesting!??! and the other one is the kindergarten class. how you make a classroom full of 6 year olds listen for more than half an hour is completely beyond me at this point. i know that right now everything is trial and error until i get the hang of it, but still! over all though.. i love it. and the kids really seem to like me and the way i teach so that's encouraging.
so today i made french toast and scrambled eggs for Ji Hye. haha it was so nice to have something besides rice for breakfast! if i miss anything right now its breakfast food.
but i did try jelly fish for the first time. (it's not very good) it's kind of gritty.
well on monday we had a going away party for troy (the teacher i'm replacing for a month). so yes.. more karaoke. haha.. it was fun. i love china! i wish all of you could come here and experience it first hand. wellllll.... i have some lesson plans to make up... woo hoo. i hope it doesn't take too long to get the hang of this!

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