Tuesday, May 22, 2007


so i'm making it through my first weekend teaching. they're long days, but i like them! the classes are entirely different than during the week so it keeps things fresh. SO! a really cool thing happened last night! i guess the students really enjoy me as their teacher, and have been telling their parents about me, and their parents have been calling my boss telling her how impressed they are. cool yeah? and so anyway... i guess news spread to the government. so yesterday when classes were over jenny said caitlin i know you're tired, but we've been asked to dinner by the government officials. i was like.. uhhh.. ok!... i looked like a mess but relationship in china is SOOO important. and if you can make relationship with someone so high up in society that's amazingly good for you! so the government guy's driver came and picked us up and took us wayyyy out to this secluded hotel on the water. gorgeous. kinda scary though .. we were so far away. and anyway so we went upstairs, and met the government people. and i gues i've been teaching the head government guy's son, without knowing it. and he was so impressed with what he was hearing that the government official wants me to teach him english! isn't that crazy?!? it's such an honour. well anyway.. i have ot get back to class. see ya lata!

1 comment:

Jo said...

Wow Caitlin! Glad to hear things are going so well! What an honour it is for you to be asked to teach someone in such a high position. Have a good day!